Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The NAMM Show

The NAMN Show is a convention, more like an experience, that brings music industry companies, musicians, artists, and more all under one roof. Four days and three buildings worth products, lectures, instruments, artists and musicians of all genres, entertainment legends, and so much more all jam packed into the Anaheim Convention Center; as well as it's neighboring Hilton and Marriott hotels.

 My favorite part about NAMM is always the excitement of seeing what's new! I find great new products, and get to catch up with people I don't get to see all year round - it's like a family reunion every time! I ran into new and old friends such as Chris Coleman ( (pictured above on the far right), Nik West (pictured to the left), and Orianthi (best known for being Michael Jackson's guitarist for his "This Is It" tour), and so many others! I also was able to jam out in a few sessions, do interviews, and a press conference for the 'Hit Like A Girl' contest; in which I'm a judge. 

Attending NAMM each year is personally important to me. I go for many reasons but my main one is out of pure respect for the companies who support my career. I've maintained amazing relationships with the companies that endorse and sponsor me and am appreciate to give my thanks whenever I can. 

I believe that if you truly want to be a part of something, then you need to go out and get all/any information available about whatever it is - this is why I feel it is important for artists/musicians to attend. NAMM is very educational - there are multiple lectures given each day, equipment updates, new companies and equipment being introduced - its all information so its really important!

Click HERE to view more photos of Shauney Baby at NAMM.

For more information on NAMM and to find out how to become a member, visit their Facebook page here or visit their website at

For more information on Shauney Baby, click here
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Follow Shauney on Twitter @Shauney_Baby

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Hey Everyone! Yesterday,  I headed over to Hollenbeck Palms, a Continuing Care Retirement Community, here in Los Angeles for a session of DRUM FOR GOODNESS SAKE. The patients, and staff, there have always been wonderful to work with and I love that I get to see old, and new, faces every time I go! I've already confirmed a few more appointments next week, right before I head to NAMN! I'm glad that people are recognizing and understanding the benefits of DRUM FOR GOODNESS SAKE and what it has to offer! I'm extremely passionate about this company and can't wait until the day that it's benefits to be able to reach everyone it is able to help!

Dennis Hiebert is Hollenbeck Palms' Activity Coordinator, and in 2010 he initially allowed Shauney a trial session of the program at the facility; and ever since, Shauney has been a consistent activity entertainer from then on - going on nearly 3 years now! Click here to check out what Dennis has to say about DRUM FOR GOODNESS SAKE and how it benefits his patients. 

For more information on DRUM FOR GOODNESS SAKE, or to make an appointment, visit the website,

Follow DFGS on Twitter: @DFGSLA
'Like' DFGS on Facebook: /drumforgoodnesssake
Subscribe to DFGS' YouTube Page here

Monday, January 14, 2013

Lessons and Contests

Hey, what’s up everybody! This is an amazing week and I’m so excited to fulfill all my duties including hiking in the cold. They say that the temp in LA is colder than in NY, so wrap up! So as you know in addition to my career as a drummer, I’m also really grateful that I get to pay it forward by giving drum lessons. That’s so cool to me that I get to share my experience and knowledge with other drummers. Seeing my influence in their playing; as I’ve seen mine by those who have inspired me.

Speaking of being inspired, I was asked to be a judge in the 2013 “Hit Like A Girl” second annual drumming contest for girls and women worldwide, produced by Drum! Magazine. So excited!

So for now I’m getting ready for my lesson with drum student, Ellington Ratliff, who killed it on the East Coast Tour with R5. Way to go! 

For more information on the "Hit Like A Girl" contest, please visit their website here and 'Like' their Facebook page here.

For more information on Shauney Baby, please go here.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Reflecting Back

There are many people that wish to live their lives fulfilled with something their passionate about. Let me first say that I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to make a living doing something I love, watching the lives that I touch and giving back in many ways.  Reflecting back over this past year I see where I have grown and what my accomplishments are.  In setting new goals and looking to the future I can't express enough about how important it is to be kind, to live with integrity, and not take advantage of the people in our lives.  Thank you to everyone I've encountered in this past year, for all the lessons I've learned, and the beauty in those experiences; even if I didn't see it at that given moment - I did eventually.

So as I go into 2013 with aspirations of achieving more and looking into the heart of who I am for the betterment of all, I would wish you all of you that support me in my endeavors, and even those that don't to live life in kindness, discover who you and your beliefs are, and remember that we are all human beings and being kind goes a long way. I wish you peace!   

Shauney Baby

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @Shauney_Baby and "LIKE" my Facebook page here.